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All-in-One Tower Garden Variety Pack

$3999 EUR

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All-in-One Tower Garden Variety Pack includes an assortment of our 15 most popular varieties that are proven to grow extremely well using your Tower Garden system.

Seeds are all individually packaged.  Packaged with zip-lock bag system for long-term storage and maximum seed protection.

Includes all of the following 15 varieties:

1. Bean (Pole) - Rattlesnake (appx. 20 seeds)

The Rattlesnake pole bean is a popular heirloom variety that produces pods with streaks of green and purple gives the appearance of a rattlesnake! Matures quickly and is extremely productive throughout the entire season - Extremely delicious and tender. Used in soups and many other recipes. Grows exceptionally well in hot & humid grow zones.

2. Cucumber - Ashley (appx. 10 seeds)

The cucumber Ashley plant produces excellent yields of 8" long pale green cucumbers. Excellent slicing variety. Perfect for home gardeners and market growers. Grows as a vine. Perfect for raised beds.

3. Eggplant - Florida Market (appx. 30 seeds)

This plant will produce excellent yields of dark purple eggplants in the shape of teardrops. The plants are strong and especially good for market growers. Excellent for baking, slicing, and more!

4. Endive - Green Curled (appx. 100 seeds)

Endive is a healthy and delicious leafy green. The Green Curled Endive plant produces dark green curly leaves with large tender crisp ribs. Excellent salads and sandwiches. Extremely easy to grow. Endive is rich in many vitamins and minerals, especially in folate and vitamins A and K, and is high in fiber.

5. Kale - Classic Blue Curled Scotch (appx. 50 seeds)

    Snow can protect plants from extreme cold so that they stay in the garden longer. Kale is one of these plants! Very cold-hardy. The Blue Curled Scotch is an early Kale variety which will produce tasty greens! - Excellent in salads or steamed. 

    6. Lettuce - Gourmet Mesclun Mix (appx. 200 seeds)

    A mixture of favorite lettuce seed varieties from across the spectrum of lettuce types. - Plant heavy and start harvest early for young for baby greens then allow some to grow on for plenty of variety for salads. - A great way to get a lot out of little space. - Perfect for tower gardens. 

      7. Lettuce - Romaine Dark Green (appx. 135 seeds)

      The Green Cos (aka Romaine Lettuce) is one of the most popular crispy salad vegetables.   This variety of lettuce is well known for its crisp green upright narrow heads of leaf that comes in dark green color.   Also grows well in containers on a patio.

        8. Mustard - Old Fashion (Appx. 30 seeds)

          Believe it or not, when the mustard plant is spent under the cover of snow they have been known to emerge in perfect condition once the snow melts. Produces good yields of flavorful dark green mustard leaves. Harvest as much as you want and do it often. Super easy to grow.

          9. Pepper - Hungarian Wax (appx. 10 seeds)

          The Scoville Heat Units (SHU) for this pepper measures 750 to 3,000. Hungarian hot wax derived its name because it was originated in Hungary and has a waxy color that resembles bees' wax. This is a great all purpose pepper for processing and pickling, good for the home garden. Easy to grow. Tolerates heat extremely well. Grows well in containers and raised bed gardens.

          10. Spinach - Bloomsdale (appx. 70 seeds)

          Bloomsdale Spinach will produce heavy, glossy, dark green leaves. Excellent flavor. Extremely easy to grow. Large, curly dark green leaves with Nice sweet taste.

          11. Spinach - Noble Giant (appx. 70 seeds)

          Spinach is very hardy and can tolerate cold — in fact, it thrives in cold weather. The Noble Giant spinach is heavy, glossy, dark green plant with leaves that are heavily savoyed and crumpled. Extremely delicious and one of the most popular spinach varieties you can grow in your garden. Very easy to grow.

           12. Blue Lake Beans

            The Blue Lake Bush Bean produces long and tender stringless pods. Easy to grow and matures quickly. Pods can get as long as 5".  Excellent flavor with firm texture and rich colors. Beans mature all at once making it an easy harvest. High in vitamins A, B and C.

             13. Sorrel Greens - Broadleaf (Appx. 25 seeds)

              Slightly tangy lemon flavor which adds zest to salads and is especially good with fish. The leaves grow up to 8" long and can also be cooked like spinach or even used in soups. Sure to be your new favorite. 55 days to maturity.

              14. Swiss Chard - Rainbow (appx. 25 seeds)

              Swiss chard is very cold-tolerant, & can survive dips to 15 °F without any protection. The Yellow Canary Swiss Chard is a popular plant that produces some of the most amazing looking swiss chard leaves in a bright shades of yellow. Perfect for salads or steamed greens.  One of this years most popular varieties to grow.  Extremely healthy. Easy to grow.  

              15. Corn Salad, Mache - Lamb's Lettuce (appx. 25 seeds)

              Corn Salad has a delicate flavor, similar to a butterhead lettuce. It is quite hardy and requires very little care while remaining practically free of pests & disease. Corn salad is also known for growing vigorously in almost any soil!

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