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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where can you ship your seeds to?
  • USA: YES, we ship all across the United States.
  • Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Alaska: NO, not at this time.
  • CANADA: NO, not at this time
  • International/Overseas: NO, not at this time.
How much is shipping across the USA?
How do you ship your seeds?
    • We ship seeds via US Postal Service (unless otherwise noted).
    • If you need to have your seeds shipped via UPS or FedEx, just let us know.
    What is a Seed Bank?
    • A Seed Bank is your own personal source for seeds designed to be used in the event seeds can no longer be purchased on the open-market or in the event seed supplies are severely restricted. 
    • Storing seeds helps protect individuals and communities against catastrophic events such as rising food prices, natural disasters, food shortages, diseases and/or war.
    • A Seed Bank is a collection of non-hybrid & open-pollinated seeds that can be stored for multiple years and used in the event of an emergency.
    Are all your seeds NON-Genetically Modified (Non-GMO)?
    • Yes!  We don't touch or deal with anything that has been genetically modified. 
    • We have signed the Safe Seed Pledge and work very hard to ensure all our seeds are 100% Non-Genetically Modified (Non-GMO).
    Are all your seeds Organic?
    • We do sell organic seeds - Seeds that are certified organic will be labeled as such on the site.  All the seeds listed on the website are 100% Non-GMO. 
    What do you mean by growing Organic food?
    • Currently, the EURA says that in order for something to be organic it CANNOT be grown with any chemical fertilizers, synthetic substances, irradiation, sewage sludge, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
    • As long as you start by using Non-GMO seeds in your garden and continue to grow them without using chemical fertilizers, synthetic substances, or irradiation, sewage sludge then technically your garden will be "Organic". What Organic really means?
    • Being "Organic" means that irradiation, sewage sludge, synthetic fertilizers, prohibited pesticides, and genetically modified organisms (GMO's) were not used during the growing process. 
    What is a Genetically Modified seed?
    • Genetically modified (GM) seeds have been genetically altered in a lab somewhere and have had specific changes introduced into their DNA, also called Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's). 
    • The interesting thing about GM seeds is that gardeners are not able to save the seeds after harvest and must buy seed every year from the corporation that sold them to you.
    • Click here to read more about GMOs
    What does it mean when you say the seeds are Non-Hybrid and Open-Pollinated?
    • Non-hybrid seeds means they have NOT been cross-bred with any other strain or variety of plant. Learn the difference betwen Hybrid vs. Heirloom
    • Non-Hybrid seeds are the most natural and purest form of seed anyone can find. 
    • They grow just like they do naturally in nature. 
    • Best of all gardeners can save the seeds after each harvest and be assured they will grow the same every time. 
    • Open-pollinated seeds means the plants are pollinated by insects, bees, birds, wind, and other natural ways. 
    • The good thing with open-pollinated plants is that it will continue to reproduce new generations of those plants.
    Do you accept returns?
    • Yes.  Your satisfaction is our number one priority.  A 15% restocking fee will be applied to all returned orders. We will either replace or refund your money within 30 days if you are not completely satisfied.
    Can I collect my seeds after harvest?
    • Absolutely! All of the seeds we sell are 100% Open-Pollinated, which means you can collect the seeds from your harvest, dry them, and store them for next year. Read Seed Saving Tips
    How many years will my seeds last?
    • Each seed has been processed for long-term storage, which directly translates into increasing the shelf-life by many years. We use the methods developed and approved by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (EURA) for drying, processing, and packaging seeds for long-term storage.
    • The best way to ensure your seeds remain viable for many years is to store them in a cool and dry location. A freezer is the best way to store your seeds.
    • Every 6° F lower the temperature the seeds are stored, it's possible to increase the shelf life by 1 year.

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